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Page Two
(continued from home page)


We traveled to WY to see Devil’s Tower; like in the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” it was so neat! Amiah and Judd did the hike around the base of it and I stayed at the ranger’s station. After check-out in the morning we traveled to just East of Kansas City, MO. We had some great food at a local restaurant there! In the morning we went to the Kansas City Zoo which was the best zoo I have ever been to. After the zoo we traveled to the St. Louis Arch and stayed until sunset. It’s really beautiful. The rides were all sold out so we could only explore the bottom level and the outside. We are definitely going back again!


From St. Louis we made it all the way to Indianapolis, IN and crashed!! Got up and met Kristy and Christian for breakfast and had a wonderful visit with them. We finally made it to Ashtabula by 5:30 on Sunday. We drove over 3500 miles!!!

I think it was the best vacation I have been on….Amiah and Judd agree!!


Well, check out all my new pictures I just posted!! Miss everyone and Love to all!!


Sue, Judd & Amiah



 Last updated 08-22-09








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